Why not blog about blogging in my blog? First off, about this video I found, “Blogs in Plain English”. The video is just that, it simplifies (simple solutions!) the whole idea of blogging and why people do it pretty simply. The production techniques used are pretty simple yet they were probably pretty time consuming for the producers to put together. A voiceover speaks over pieces of paper that are labeled and color coded symbols to get across the point. A real live finger can be seen moving the pieces around in a logical matter while a marker draws paths connecting necessary points.
I wasn’t so much into the idea of creating a blog for myself in this class because I wasn’t sure who (other than Rob) would read it. I never thought I was very interesting to read let alone had interesting things to talk about but as this video points out, that’s okay. “People like you have the power of the media, a personal kind of news that appeals to a high number of small audiences.” In this web 2.0 world, blogs allow us, anyone, to get a message out there. It’s amazing that we never had this power before; Neil Postman wouldn’t know what to think about it! When he was writing his text, the "news" was chosen and writen by a reporter and then went to a tiny group of people who decided what would be broadcasted to the masses. While we still see this way of reporting today, it's not the only method we have thanks to things such as blogs.
I don’t follow too many blogs other than some of my fellow classmates, teachers and friends that I know personally. I feel as though people only read blogs if they know the person writing them or if they care about the content. I find myself skimming through Tweets clicking on links of blogs that sound as though they have an interesting new post up, often the topic has to do with social media. Next, I find myself not only skimming that blog, but clicking on hyperlinks they have and other sites and authors they recommend. Before too long, I have 10 windows open and don’t even remember which Tweet I started at.
Here's a cool list of 25 Social Media Blogs.
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